An amazing story on Dutruc St, Randwick

Adrian talks about an amazing story based on Dutruc St in Randwick that you couldn’t make up including:

➥ An incredible technological invention
➥ Legal action
➥ A Royal Commission
➥ A National political scandal

Hi, it’s Adrian Bo here and today I’m outside 4 Dutruc Street, in Randwick, to tell the story of a local legend Archibald John Shaw. The son of a Scottish Inn Keeper, Shaw was born in 1872 and by 1894 had become a missionary teaching in British Guinea later returning to Sydney to become a Catholic priest. He was faced with raising funds to support the Pacific missions with food, clothing and medical supplies as well as to build convents, churches and schools. In 1908, he moved to this property, 4 Dutruc Street, in Randwick, and after studying and experimenting with wireless telegraphy, he began to design and manufacture receivers and transmitters. In the backyard of this property, he built a 73 metre high tower that had the capability to transmit messages over 2000 miles. In collaboration with E.H Kirby, he applied for patents regarding his Airblast Spark Gap System and in 1911, they floated the Maritime Wireless Company. Father Shaw was it’s President and the company employed more than 150 staff from the Sacred Heart Church grounds in Avoca Street. Shaw initially installed the wireless equipment in Papua and built a powerful wireless station at King Island for the Government.

He also supplied the equipment for Sir Douglas Mawson’s Antarctic Expedition. He also built a prototype electric car and a remote controlled submarine from this property, quite amazing considering this was pre World War I, so back in the early 1900s Threats of litigation regarding patent infringement by Marconi ensued and an investigation into the company discovered that Father Shaw had misappropriated 10,000 pounds causing Shaw to negotiate the sale of the patents to the Commonwealth Government for 55,000 pounds. It is said that once the proceeds hit his bank account and he had settled the debts, he withdrew 5,000 pounds in cash and was found dead with foul play suspected but never proven. However an ensuing Royal Commission in 1918 on Navy and Defence including the purchase of the Shaw Wireless Technology led to the Minister for the Navy, J.A. Jensen, being sacked and Shaw’s Senator friend, J.J. Long was forced to resign over allegations of bribery by Shaw. This became a major political scandal at the time, the funeral of Father Shaw was a massive local event with all the staff of the Maritime Wireless Company walking behind the hearse. Now 41% of property owners here on Dutruc Street, have been living here for over a decade, the average owner occupier has lived here for nine years and seven months.

The records say that there are 439 apartments, 8 townhouses and 27 freestanding homes on the street. Number 2 next door, a five bedroom house, was sold for $4.6 million in May this year having been bought for $3.136 million only in 2017. Number 11A was sold for $4.54 million in 2018 and number 15 was sold for $4.9 million in 2016. Now over the past 32 years as an agent selling in the real estate sector in Randwick, Coogee, and Maroubra, I have sold many properties in this local precinct including: 9/6 Botany Street Randwick, being a 60 square metre, two bedroom unit, selling over the reserve for $956,000, 7/2 Clara Street in Randwick, being a two bedroom, deceased estate in the junction of Randwick selling over the reserve price for $1,035,000, 17 Mcnair Avenue in Kingsford on the border of Randwick. That was a freestanding home selling for a record price pre-auction. Also 40 Dudley Street in Coogee, right on the border of Randwick. That was a 635 square metre land, and the house sold there for $5.3 million, 10/109 Clovelly Road at Randwick I sold, which was a 40 square metre one bedroom unit for $685,000 being a record in the building and also number 20 Pine Street in Randwick. Now that was a smaller freestanding house on 360 square metres, and I sold that for a record price at auction over the reserve of $3,561,000. Now Father Shaw was an amazing pioneer and inventor from his home here in Dutruc Street behind me, I hope you enjoyed his story. I also hope you enjoy the crisp June mornings and also remember your home is worth more with Adrian Bo.